Pacific Mind Technologies Ltd. Приложения

Thinkers 1.0.5
Pacific Mind Technologies Ltd.
The Thinkers app is a fun and engaging waytotrain your brain to make snap decisions when you need to,andimprove your creative and analytical thinking. Unlike manytriviagame apps, that simply require you to memorise piles offacts, theThinkers app is based on the latest technology,incorporatingpioneering techniques to develop quickness of mind,imagination,and logical thought processes.Thinkers app trains different types of thinking and honesvariedtypes of mental skills that will change the way you relatetosituations you encounter every day of your life, including• logical thinking;• imagination and ability to think laterally;• finding creative solutions to daily problems;• determining the most efficient way to perform a given task;• working out cause-effect relationships and the ability topredictknock-on changes;• ability to build and solve models.Even more excitingly, the Thinkers app also helps you developyourunderstanding of human psychology!If you are competitive, you can invite your friends to joinyourgroup, show off personal web page achievements and competewiththem to rise up the group rankings. If you prefer enjoyingyourselfin a more relaxed way, you can disable the time controlsetting andsimply have fun while training your brain at your ownpace.As a player, your goal is to answer questions using a minimumofhints and additional attempts. When you are feelingcompetitive,you can work to increase your rank and the number ofpoints youearn by reducing the time limits for your responses. Fora morerelaxed experience, the time limits can be increased to allowyouto solve interesting puzzles and do more intricate tasks atthespeed that suits you.The questions are divided into sections by theme, varyingindifficulty from levels 1 to 5. The time allowed for responseisdifferent for each question, depending on the complexity, andcanbe adjusted individually for each level.If the time limit is higher than the default, you will not beaddedto the ratings and will not be offered prizes.At installation, you will receive a six-pack of 10 questionseach,on topics such as:• Thinker Junior• Thinker• Expert Thinker• Humour• Humour Expert• What's in the photo?You also get a starting balance of 100 Thinker coins.Thinker coins can be used to buy a new package of questions,moretips to help you solve tricky questions, or additionalanswerattempts and additional thinking time. Thinker coins canbeobtained as a reward for solving an entire package ofquestionscorrectly, for referring friends to the game, or forviewingadvertisements. The game’s economy is designed to ensurethat itcan absolutely be played for free by a patient andthoughtfulplayer.You can change the amount of advertising through the Ad settingsinthe application. If you are the sort of person who is drivencrazyby advertising, it is possible to disable advertsaltogether,although this may cause you to run out of Thinker coinsand stopyou from being able to download new packages of questions.However,there are other ways to gain Thinker coins. You caneither;• Invite friends to the game and receive Thinkers for eachpackageof questions they successfully pass, or• Purchase Thinker coins with real, out-of-game money.This app respects your privacy and personal data security.• You do not need to fill in your identification and personaldatafields to play the game. These are only required forsocialinteraction, for joining the game referral programme, orfortransferring your in-game achievements to a new device• The Thinkers app does not have purchases withmultiplecharges.If you disagree with the game’s assessment of the answer yougive,you can dispute it by hitting the ‘Disagree’ button, andyouranswer will be reviewed directly by a member of ourstaff.The Thinkers’ app database currently has more than 2,000 tasks,andour game content is being constantly updated and added to.Join now!
Drill.City.Films 1.4.6
Pacific Mind Technologies Ltd.
Drill.City.Films - Learn English or Polish with movie clips
Polish effortlessly 3.8.2
Pacific Mind Technologies Ltd.
Polish from scratch to Upper Intermediate (B2)